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A downloadable game for Windows

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"GUARDIAN OF NATURE - Green Blood Edition" 

is a brutal & stylish  first person shooter with an unforgiving, fast-paced gameplay. 

You are Elmo, a magic mushroom-consuming soldier sent from mother nature and you have to stop  "Mr. More"  - CEO of the WFY-Bank - and his armed employees from robbing and destroying the wonderful "Toony-Island"


  • a powerful hip hop & hardrock/metal-soundtrack
  • 4 different weapons
  • crazy mushroom-trips (slow motion item)
  • beautiful anime-style / low-poly graphics (playable on most computer-setups)
  • a big  open world map  to explore (60 square-kilometers)
  • different enemies to shred
  • a lot of fast-paced action
  • a simple save-/load-system with an option to delete savegame
  • challenging gunfights
  • funny moments with some bugs


Get this game and 6 more for 9.99€ EUR
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2.99€ 2.09€ EUR or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of 2.09€ EUR. You will get access to the following files:

GUARDIAN OF NATURE - Green Blood Edition (V.1.0 WINDOWS).7z 1.8 GB
GUARDIAN OF NATURE - Green Blood Edition (V.1.0.1 - Deleted dev - savegame file - WINDOWS).7z 1.8 GB

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I just bought your game and as soon as it starts, it seems like I am falling through the map.  Any help?

(1 edit)

Oh, sorry. It seems like a savegame failure. 

Try this : When the introscreen is playing, press the "DELETE" - key a few times, to get sure, that my savegame is deleted before the game starts and the map is loaded

When you save then, this should not happen again. 

I will upload a new version tomorrow. 

Thanks for the tip!  The game works fine now.

(2 edits)

Your welcome.

Edit: New version is online. It should work instantly now.

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